We are committed to build robust and sustainable mine that can yield excellent value to its investors, employees and stakeholders
Good governance while securing the development of the countryside through sustainable and responsible mining is paramount in the growth of the tourism industry and, the effective utilization of our countryside natural resources such as oil and minerals is linchpin to the curtailment of poverty in the rural areas.
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The Bucay-Baticang Iron Sand Project
**The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has recently released the approval of the company’s Feasibility Study Papers last August 30, 2007. Since then, the company has initiated start-up operations the last 8-months of its magnetite and gold recovery plant. MGB sent a technical team to assist in the study/research of its operations for the recovery of the strategic minerals magnetite, gold, palladium and platinum. Currently, the plant is undergoing expansion to increase production and upgrading to a more efficient recovery system.


The heavy mineral sand containing more than 62% Magnetite and other heavy metals are supplied to foreign buyers. This Magnetite concentrate are supplied to steel mills and smelters to enhance their feed materials. The total area of alluvial deposit that contains heavy mineral is about 13,000 Hectares with estimated magnetite reserve of about 120,000,000 Metric Tons.

Data from International Iron and Steel Institute reveals that production of steel especially in China is on the up trend. Magnetite Sand is an iron ore and presently a prime commodity being sought by World Iron Smelters.

The magnetite content of the Company’s deposit is commercially viable for mass production and its Total Iron Content is tested to be more than sixty percent (60%) which is within the high-grade range.

These products will be offered to steel smelters in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan who are presently the biggest consumer of these particular minerals in Asia alone.

The concentrate materials that the company’s alluvial plant produces is a black heavy mineral that is comparable to the black sand that can be found along the shores of the country's beaches but only purer in color and without the silt. This pure black sand, predominantly magnetite, has varied uses from natural flower gardens to artificial beach gardens, theme parks and more importantly raw material for steel smelters.


In the middle of the 1980’s, the company filed Placer Mining Claims on the Abra River after it found that alluvial gold existed in the area. Local gold panners can be seen along the banks of the river during favorable conditions indicating the potential of a gold deposit. The Abra River flows from the upland peaks of the Cordillera Mountains where several big and small mining companies are operating like Lepanto, Hercules, and Batong Buhay Mines to name a few.

The most prominent river configurations are island bars occurring along the Abra River during the dry season. However, occasional flooding is also experienced in the claim property, which is brought about by the basalt dike intrusive structure located further downstream that serves as a natural dam as it restricts the flow of the river during heavy rains.

This is of particular interest to company geologists in that it serves as a natural barrier for the deposition of alluvial gold. This portion, within the extensive claim of the company, is similar to an ellipsoidal catch basin where one end is obstructed by the basalt dike creating a dam effect. This distinctive portion forms a natural barrier that breaks the downward velocity of the transitional free gold thereby causing its’ deposition on the flood plains of the Abra River. Expectedly, high gold concentrations can be found in the trough of this ellipsoidal catch basin.

Minproc Minerals Pte. Ltd. (Australia) led by placer expert geologist Mr. Lee Tiong Ting conducted initial studies along the span of the Abra River and concluded that further study is necessary for confirmation of commercial operation. His study also incorporate interviews with gold panners along the riverbanks and optical inspections of their gold find for its mineral characteristic.

The company took its cue from these initial findings and sent samples to the Bureau of Mines for assays and analyses to confirm the presence of Placer Gold. To date, the company is still conducting detailed and localized test pitting in the large claim areas to identify gold concentration areas for its’ alluvial mining operation.

Several test pits and sampling were also undertaken to study further the other components of the company’s river claims. In these studies several minerals were found including precious metals Gold and strategic metals like Palladium, Platinum and traces of Titanium.


Aside from being a Placer Claim, the Abra River is also the primary source of Silica Sand for the proposed Cement Project of the company located just a few kilometers away from the river claim. The Abra River also provides an infinite source of marketable aggregates for infrastructure and construction materials. The most prominent materials are the high temperature rocks & stones ranging from andesites, basalt, silica and other volcanic to metavolcanic origins, which find their special uses in industrial processing plants around the world.

These marketable aggregate ranges from pebble sizes of about 1-mm to cobbles stone sizes of about 16-mm and above. These river aggregates are very good source of materials for decorations like for Zen Gardens or ornaments for buildings and even bonsai farms. Other uses include sands and pebbles for artificial rivers, lakes, beaches and theme parks. Unlike the aggregate materials coming from the volcanic Lahar contaminated (high sulfur & acidic) plains of the Country’s Central Luzon, the company’s river aggregates are not acidic in nature and contain no traces of sulfur that are very evident in these Lahar central plains.

A high Sulfur trace in industrial materials is detrimental for construction because of its corrosive properties. Therefore, the Abra river aggregates are the safest materials to utilize for very wide range of application, after having been washed by the natural action of the fresh water for centuries.

Custom sizing provisions are also available depending on specifications including color (Colored Stones) and material type (variety) segregations.


Several test pits and samplings were also undertaken to study further the other components of the company’s river claims. Aside from the silica sand widely found on the river, studies also indicate numerous mineral including precious metals Gold and strategic metals like Platinum, Palladium and traces of Titanium. Research studies also indicate the presence of colored stones in the form of zeolytes, chert and petrified wood.

Petrified Wood is used as first-rate embellishment inside or outside of residential houses, office buildings, and other similar dwellings needing beautification. In addition, several of the Colored Stones found in the river also appear to have a good decorative quality appearance as is. Both types are used for aesthetic ornamentations and can be cut & polished to appear as gemstones.

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